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Jafar’s Story

15th February 2019

Continuing with our updates on the five Arab horses, who were taken into the care of Bransby Horses in September 2018 at the request of the RSPCA, it is with a heavy heart that we tell Jafar’s story. When we collected Jafar he displayed aggressive behaviour and was by far the most agitated of the…

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Equine Influenza

8th February 2019

Equine Influenza also known as Equine Flu is a highly contagious viral infection that affects horses around the world causing both upper and lower respiratory disease. The Equine Flu virus is similar but not the same as the virus that causes Flu in humans, therefore, it cannot be spread between humans and horses.  Equine Influenza…

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Jasmine’s Story

8th February 2019

Jasmine, the youngest of the 3 mares from the Arab case that Bransby Horses took into care in September 2018, was sadly suffering due to the lack of basic farrier treatment. Following a successful prosecution in December 2018, Bransby Horses became the legal owners of Jasmine in January 2019. Like all the others seized by…

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Competition Time…Name Your Building!

6th February 2019

Bransby Horses is celebrating the start of its 51st year by opening a new group event and meeting facility. This building is located just behind the existing Visitor Centre at our location in Bransby, Lincolnshire. The building is going to be used for such a variety of your uses from parties, local community group meetings, celebration…

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Aladdin’s Story

30th January 2019

Following our rescue on 14th September 2018 at the request of the RSPCA, five Arab horses were taken in to the care of Bransby Horses. One of which was Aladdin. On arrival, the Bransby Horses team discovered that Aladdin had not been out of his stable for at least 2 years. Sadly, Aladdin was unable…

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Bransby Horses Rescues Neglected Horses at Request of RSPCA

21st January 2019

Bransby Horses is one of the UK’s largest equine welfare charities who currently care for more than 400 animals. They are dedicated to improving the lives of neglected horses, donkeys and mules to give them the chance of a better future. On the 14th September 2018, Five Arab horses were taken into the care of…

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Collaborative Welfare Work Reaches Milestone Achievement

26th October 2018

Over the past three years, Bransby Horses has been assisting the British Horse Society to deliver healthcare and education clinics all over the country, to aid with the equine crisis which saw a number of equines abandoned or neglected over the last decade. Last week a team from the charity assisted at another clinic in…

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A Sweeter Life for Treacle

26th October 2018

An elderly Shetland, named by staff as Treacle on her arrival, came into Bransby Horses at the request of the RSPCA in July, after she was found abandoned and tethered next to a burnt-out caravan. Concerned members of the public moved her to safety away from the caravan and Bransby Horses were called for help….

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Horses Running Loose on Humber Bridge Safe at Bransby Horses

30th August 2018

Bransby Horses collected four young horses at the request of Humberside Police. The four horses hit the local headlines when they were seen and filmed running loose across the Humber Bridge on Sunday 26th August around 6pm. Luckily Humberside Police were able to stop the horses, and they were temporarily moved to safety at a…

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Bordeaux and Toulouse

29th August 2018

Bransby Horses have two new arrivals after a call for help from the RSPCA. The mare and stallion, named by staff as Bordeaux and Toulouse, were identified as welfare concerns when their body and feet condition were reported by members of the public earlier in the year. They are believed to be aged between 6…

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‘Hay Five’: Top Tips to Cope With The Hay Crisis

22nd August 2018

Bransby Horses has launched its ‘Hay Five’ campaign to raise awareness of the hay crisis and help support horse owners. Due to the long, wet weather during winter and into spring, the grass growing season has been somewhat delayed meaning owners are already using remaining hay stocks. The demand for hay this winter will be…

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Bransby Horses Secures Future Work with Land Purchase

26th July 2018

The Lincolnshire-based equine rescue and welfare charity, Bransby Horses, has agreed to acquire 800 acres of land to secure the future for thousands of horses that suffer from abuse, neglect or abandonment. Grange Farm, Barlings at Langworth, is a vital investment in the charity’s 50th anniversary year to relieve pressure on its site in the…

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Zeus: A Special Home For A Special Veteran

20th July 2018

Rehoming an older equine is a big responsibility just like any other horse, but some will require additional care and many can’t be ridden. However, this wasn’t a concern for Ellen when she fostered two older equines and has found it very rewarding giving them a second lease of life through their golden years. Zeus…

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‘Friends of Bransby Horses’ Enjoy A VIP Day Out

19th July 2018

Last week Bransby Horses welcomed over fifty ‘Friends of Bransby Horses’ over two days to enjoy a special 50th Anniversary VIP day. The day kicked off with a talk from our CEO, Jo Snell, about the changes made to the charity over the last fifty years and the plans in place for the next fifty….

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Bransby Horses Rescue Abandoned Foals

12th July 2018

Bransby Horses have taken in three colts that were found wandering nervously across Leicestershire’s roads, close to Willoughby by the Wold. All three boys are under five months old and ideally, would still be relying on the mare to support with their development. We believe the youngsters have all been dumped which is sadly becoming…

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