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Gin Ponies’ Update

9th August 2017

Meet the Gin ponies; Bombay, Gordon, Tarquin and Hendrix. You may recognise Bombay and Hendricks from previous news when they were first rescued from grazing dangerously close to a busy road. Gordon was found alone and abandoned and Tarquin was taken into the care of Bransby Horses at the request of his owners, as they…

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Bransby Horses Invests in Intensive Care Unit

10th July 2017

Bransby Horses has invested in a new Intensive Care Unit (ICU), largely funded by legacies and donations from an appeal. The ICU is situated on the charity’s quarantine yard which prevents the spread of disease and enables staff to maintain the strict biosecurity procedures which are in place. Bransby Horses rescues equines in desperate need…

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6th July 2017

On the 5th July 2017, the team at Bransby Horses welcomed 30 Friends of Bransby Horses to the Lincoln site for an informative and enjoyable day. The day began with a talk on future plans and strategic objectives from the charity’s CEO, Jo Snell; followed by a Handling Demonstration with Lion King mare, Zazu, from…

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Herefordshire Site Remains Closed

3rd June 2017

Bransby Horses relocated 48 equines from the Stoke Prior site in Herefordshire to the Lincolnshire site over the past few months. The move came ahead of a temporary site closure which was in the best interests of the horses. The site remains closed and a review is underway to reach a decision on whether the…

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Nemo & Dory

19th May 2017

Nemo and Dory came into the care of Bransby Horses on 24th March 2017 following their abandonment in a field near Newark. The two Shetland ponies’ basic needs were not being met, and locals started to step in to offer them food and water. Following several calls from concerned members of the public, Bransby Horses…

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Improving Denzel’s Quality of Life

10th May 2017

New arrival Denzel (pictured) came into the care of Bransby Horses at the request of the RSPCA on Easter Sunday this year. Concerns about Denzel were raised because he appeared to be incredibly lame, overweight and had overgrown feet. Alongside Bransby Horses and consulting vets, the RSPCA seized Denzel from a field near Grantham due…

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Tizzy & Munchkin Retire from the Adoption Scheme

9th May 2017

Adoption horses, Tizzy & Munchkin, will no longer be available on the Adoption Scheme as we have made important changes to improve their welfare. Tizzy & Munchkin are often nervous around people and can be difficult to handle. Although we have made excellent progress with both of them since they arrived at the charity, their…

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Young Ponies Rescued from the Roadside

8th May 2017

Hendricks (black) and Bombay (piebald) were rescued on Thursday 4th May by our External Welfare Team. The team responded to calls of concern after the ponies were seen grazing dangerously close to a main road not far from the Lincoln centre. With their lives in danger and them being potentially a serious risk to motorists,…

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Celebrity Veronica’s move to the Visitor Centre Yard!

5th May 2017

You may remember the story of Veronica who arrived at Bransby Horses in February 2017 following her abandonment in Carlton le Moorland. After weeks of intensive care from the team at the Animal Reception Centre (ARC), Veronica was finally ready to leave the ARC pending a clean guttural pouch wash result. This was done by…

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Delight as the ponies from Bodmin Moor learn to trust!

4th May 2017

A year to this day, our Welfare Team made a 16-hour round trip to collect the neglected and starving ponies from Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. After spending their time on the Peter Hunt Yard where our specialist handling team provided them with individual handling programmes, we are delighted to update you on the progress of…

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Open Afternoon for Local Charities Seeking Volunteers

4th May 2017

To find out more about volunteering, join Bransby Horses and the Voluntary Centre Services as they host an open afternoon on Friday 2nd June 12:00-15:00. As part of ‘Volunteers’ Week 2017’ celebrations, local charities will be showcasing their work at the Bransby Horses venue and look forward to meeting potential new volunteers. For a fun and informal…

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Arabs’ Update

13th April 2017

You may remember the story of Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Peridot and Tanzanite, who came into our care in January last year in what Bransby Horses described as one of the most ‘shocking cases of neglect they had ever seen’. Alongside the RSPCA and Lincolnshire Police, Bransby Horses assisted in the rescue of these five Arab…

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The Crisp Group

11th April 2017

In May 2016, Bransby Horses received a call from the RSPCA to assist in the rescue of eight equines that were in need of urgent treatment. They were found in an unsuitable field in Collingham, near Newark, with no water or forage. The eight ponies were subsequently seized by the RSPCA under Section 4 and…

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A Big Thank You to David Crowe and Phillip Hoskins

3rd April 2017

To David Crowe David Crowe has resigned as a trustee after a year in post. David has helped the charity with his expertise in HR and been a Director of the Trading Company. He also chaired committee meetings. Due to his work commitments not decreasing as anticipated he made the decision to step down as…

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Scarlett survives Strangles!

16th March 2017

You may remember the story of Scarlett, an eight-year-old Thoroughbred mare who arrived at Bransby Horses in November last year following seizure by the RSPCA; she was found abandoned close to a busy road and was ushered into a garden to keep her safe. In a very poor state, with a body condition of just…

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