The Process of finding your Perfect Partner
Bransby Horses is very careful to make sure that our fostering scheme works for the long term benefit of both our equine and the foster home in which they are placed. This means we take great care with the rehoming process and there are a number of stages that a successful applicant must go through before they can take a Bransby Horses equine home with them.
If you are thinking of finding your Perfect Partner, please ensure you have read all the rehoming information and our Terms and Conditions before submitting an application.
The aim of the rehoming process is to ensure potential fosterers have fully considered all the implications and costs involved in rehoming an equine. It is also to enable us to match suitable equines to suitable homes.
Stage 1
Potential fosterers complete our Perfect Partner application form. Every applicant must read through and sign the Perfect Partner Commitment – this is where you pledge a number of promises to Bransby Horses and your future Perfect Partner, before completing the application form. Upon receipt of the completed application, our team will begin their search for the applicant’s perfect match.
Stage 2
Bransby Horses select the most suitable equine/s for the applicant and invite the applicant to progress to the next stage of the rehoming process. If no immediate matches are found, the applicant’s details are kept on a secure database, in line with GDPR, and the search will continue until the applicant asks to be removed from the process.
Stage 3
If we find a potential Perfect Partner you will be contacted to discuss the match further. If both the applicant and Bransby Horses wish to proceed, a Premises Check is carried out by a Bransby Horses’ Rehoming Officer, to ensure the environment and facilities at the equine’s prospective new home are suitable for the particular needs of the animal. If any adjustments are required, advice will be given and a further visit arranged if necessary.
Stage 4
The applicant selected to progress to stage 4 is invited to Bransby Horses to meet the Rehoming Team and the chosen equine. This meeting will include a discussion of the Terms and Conditions to ensure that the applicant fully understands the commitment involved in the fostering scheme.
The applicant will also undergo an initial riding or handling assessment and will need to wear appropriate clothing for this part of the visit.
Stage 5
Further appointments will be facilitated to help establish a relationship between the applicant and the chosen equine. This will include riding and/or handling sessions depending on the animal that has been applied for. Only when both the applicant and Bransby Horses’ Rehoming Team are confident that the pairing is right will the application proceed to stage 6.
Stage 6
Before the horse, pony, donkey or mule is moved to its new home a basic health check will be carried out.
Stage 7
Arrangements are made to move the equine to his/her new home. We ask that the fosterer arranges transport for the equine, as Bransby Horses has limited time and resources.
Stage 8
The fosterer becomes part of Bransby Family Fosterers network and has access to support and advice whenever needed. Regular newsletters are sent to all our fosterers and the Rehoming Team undertakes twice yearly support visits to ensure that all is well and both horse and human are enjoying each other’s company.