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woodland footpath

New Village to Village Pathway Now Fully Open

6th May 2024

A new pathway from Sturton by Stow to Bransby Horses in Bransby village is now open.

The new route, which is not a public footpath but a permissive pathway, will be accessible for much of the year and only closed for essential maintenance.

A public right of way already exists in the area and this route connects the walkways providing various options with access off Tillbridge Lane.

This new route will enable villagers to walk from Sturton By Stow to Bransby Horses where there is a café, children’s playpark and further walking opportunities around the charity’s site.

The new path shown below (solid line) links with other routes (dotted lines) around both villages for keen ramblers wanting a longer walk.

Take a moment to enjoy the countryside

Bransby Horses already has a signposted Wellbeing Walk and Welfare Trail on their Visitor Centre Yard and this extension into Sturton by Stow will enable visitors to explore the area safely.

The red line shows the route
Map showing the new access route