We are open Wednesday - Sunday, from 10am - 4pm
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Donkey Differences Quiz & Adoption Tour

22nd February 2019 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Bransby Horses
Event Co-ordinator
01427 788464

Donkey Differences Quiz- 10am-3pm

Learn why our Donkeys are different to any other equine, in our Donkey Differences quiz. Entries can be collected from the Gift Shop.

Prize draw at the end of the day to win a donkey Adoption!


Adoption tour – 11.30am – 12.30pm

Join us for a tour around the Visitor Centre Yard and meet some of your favourite Adoption Stars!

The tour will begin at 11.30pm from the Visitor Centre courtyard and is FREE to enjoy, but donations are kindly received.

can you identify how an equine is behaving? Take our quiz