Say hello to Tinkerbelle!
Tinkerbelle is a 11.1hh, 12 year old, chestnut Welsh section A mare, who is ready to find a home as a non-ridden companion.
Tinkerbelle is looking for a home where she can build a bond with her fosterer. Although she may come across nervous once you have gained her trust Tinkerbelle will become your best friend, she really enjoys a good groom.
Tinkerbelle is a very pretty mare who really enjoys getting out and about on a good walk so that she can explore what is happening in the world around her.
Tinkerbelle is looking for an experienced companion home with a fosterer that has a good understanding of weight management,Tinkerbell has so much to offer and is a very sweet girl.
Stabling/Shelter: Tinkerbell currently lives out 24/7 with access to a shelter, she can be stabled as long as she has a friend she can see.