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two male donkeys walking side by side

Sad Farewell To Our Wonderful Donkey Duo

2nd September 2022

It is with great sadness we bring you the news that dear old Nero and his half-brother Domino have passed away.

As two of our most well-known and loved residents, they will be very sorely missed.

Unfortunately Nero’s ongoing health issues deteriorated when he fell ill with colic (a painful stomach ache which can be fatal if not treated) which was not responsive to treatment.

At the same time, Domino’s very painful foot condition, laminitis, had returned and he was struggling despite best efforts. The team felt the heartbreak of losing both of the brothers at the same time.

Both donkeys had been with us for many years and had wonderful lives at the charity, welcoming visitors on our public-facing yards and being two of our star attractions.

Nero and Domino were loved by just about everyone who works here at Bransby Horses as well as by so many of our loyal supporters, having each been two of our most popular Sponsorship Stars (Nero before he retired).

We take comfort from knowing they enjoyed sharing their life with us all at Bransby Horses and both lived to a very good age.

NeroNeroDomino eating cakeBeautiful Domino








Domino’s Supporters

If you sponsored Domino, there’s no need for you to do anything. We have written to you with more information about your sponsorship.

Thanks to your support, Nero and Domino received the best care possible and lived long and happy lives in their safe haven, here at Bransby Horses.

Your ongoing support through your sponsorship helps to make sure that hundreds of other donkeys, horses, ponies and mules are given the same chance for a life free of mistreatment and neglect, just like Nero and Domino.

If you would like to make a donation in memory of Nero or Domino, it will help towards the ongoing care of all our animals and ensure we can continue to be there for those in need through our rescue and welfare work.

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