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member of staff holding grey arab with new owners stood either side

Diamond Finds a Home

10th August 2017

Diamond, who was one of five Arabs rescued in January 2016, left Bransby Horses today to start her next chapter in a foster home.

Staff were sad to say goodbye but extremely proud of this beautiful mare who has overcome her traumatic past, both physically and mentally, to turn into the healthy and friendly horse she is today.

When Diamond arrived at Bransby Horses she had been housed in squalid conditions with no access to fresh water or food. She was severely emaciated, riddled with lice and had overgrown feet. Her skin was sore and infected as a result of rubbing from the irritation of lice and she had a heavy worm burden.

Following months of intensive care and veterinary treatment from the dedicated team at the charity, Diamond then left the Animal Reception Centre and enjoyed life on the Visitor Centre Yard with the rest of her group from the rescue.

It wasn’t long before she caught the eye of her new ‘Friend for Life’ fosterers and she will now receive one to one attention in the loving home she deserves.

Amethyst, who was from the same rescue, is currently looking for a companion home and we hope the other three Arabs will also be ready for rehoming in the future. To find out more about rehoming please click here.

Picture caption: ‘Diamond with her new fosterers and Deputy Team Leader Charlotte.’

Diamond loading

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