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Equine Advice

3rd May 2016

One of our main objectives is promoting knowledge of equine care by providing support and learning opportunities.  By utilising education to raise awareness and knowledge, Bransby Horses aims to improve equine welfare and therefore, reduce the suffering and neglect experienced by equines nationwide.

We have a proactive approach to learning and therefore we are lucky enough to have connections with leading experts in the equine field, covering a broad range of subjects which allows us to continually develop and improve our own standards and expertise.  By sharing this information amongst our supporters, equine owners and professionals, we can work together to promote and improve equine welfare.

Bransby Horses supports education in a number of ways including:

Horse owners

We offer free, non-judgemental advice and support covering an array of different subjects promoting the proper care of equines. Please get in touch to speak to one of our experts on 01427 787 369 or or visit our advice pages below and download our free resources for reference.

We also hold regular Make a Difference Events where guest speakers share their wealth of expertise – keep an eye on our events page and social media channels for upcoming dates or register here: 

Equine advice pages:

Colleges and universities

We offer talks, tours and demonstrations to show the work that the charity undertakes, which can be tailored to your requirements.  To make an enquiry or booking, please complete the Bransby Horses Education Booking Form and send to

Local Authority training

Offering tailored training to include handling for local authority services such as Police, Fire and Rescue.  For further details, please email:

Promoting awareness

Bransby Horses and some of our experts take part in external events and contribute to the global research community on equine health, rescue and welfare. Some of this work can be viewed below:

Do you know what the affective state of an equine is? Take our quiz and see how much you know about the fifth domain of animal welfare