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two donkeys stood in front of their fosterer and their stables

River and Flipper Find Their Happily Ever After Together

15th January 2018

Flipper and River weren’t originally rescued together. Flipper was taken into Bransby Horses care when she was found with severely overgrown and twisted feet that meant she required immediate and intensive treatment as she was in a lot of pain. River on the other hand was rescued from a riverbank where she was stranded in the water and would have drowned if the team hadn’t got there in time. The pair made good friends at the charity and the decision was to rehome them together.

They now live together with fosterer, Hayley, enjoying the life of luxury. They live out all year round but with a stable that opens up into the field, allowing them to go inside in bad weather. River suffers from COPD so her management is adapted to help this with steamed hay and dust free bedding, but of course not to feel left out, Flipper has the same! The donkeys enjoy spending their time grazing in the field and receiving the love and attention they deserve from Hayley.


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