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two black and white cobs next to a black cob standing in a field of long grass. The sun is setting behind them

Owners Advised to Restrict Their Horse’s Grazing As Grass Growth Shows No Sign of Slowing

11th August 2023

Limiting an equines’ grazing is advisable as the wet, warm weather is proving ideal conditions for lush grass to grow.

An exceptionally wet July has led to an increase in grass and many ponies, which would normally be living on sparse pastures, are in real danger of developing painful conditions such as laminitis if they allowed access to too much grass.

Bransby Horses’ welfare team have been able to offer advice to owners who have reached out for help and want to remind everyone we are here to help if you are struggling to manage or would like advice.

Welfare campaigns officer Rachel Dixon said: “We have seen so many ponies on lush grazing at a time when the hot weather would normally have burnt off some of the grass. There are ways to manage this, with track systems and different turnout techniques, which we are more than happy to advise on if people are not sure where to start.”

Anyone can call our Welfare line on 01427 787369, if they would like help or are concerned about an animal, alternatively they can attend one of our information events.

An extra date has been added to the Make A Difference Track System event and places are filling-up fast.

The event takes place on August 16, where our dedicated Track System ambassadors will be on hand to share their knowledge with horse owners, yard managers and anyone who is interested.

Event organiser Rachel said: “Our first event for track systems was really popular so we decided to arrange another in the daytime for those that couldn’t make the first – the aim is to give horse owners the knowledge and guidance to consider a track system on their land.”

Track systems are about creating a more natural herd related environment for equines, encouraging them to move about more and eat less.

At the event guests will find out more about a basic set-up around the perimeter of a field, to more detailed information about how to keep horses motivated to move around and managing a herd.

This is one of a series of Make A Difference events, where guest speakers and their experienced teams share their equine knowledge with horse owners as part of our ongoing mission to positively impact the lives of equines.

Managing Grazing with Track Systems takes place on Wednesday, August 16, 11am – 1pm in the Clifford Marshall Building at Bransby Horses in Bransby near Lincoln.

The event is free but spaces are limited so booking is essential.

Light refreshments and free parking will be available.

For more information or to reserve your free space, please call 01427 788 464 or visit

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