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bay horse and rider jumping a cross country hedge

Introducing Bransby Family Fosterer stories

24th April 2020

Our Bransby Family of Fosterers are incredible people. If it wasn’t for them we simply wouldn’t have the room to rescue and care for the many hundreds of horses, ponies, donkeys and mules we look after across our public Bransby site and private Barlings site in Lincolnshire.

Our relationship with these members of the extended Bransby family is very important. We work together with our Fosterers from the very first moment they apply to find their Perfect Partner and then continue to support them and keep in touch. We love to hear the day to day achievements and adventures of their rehoming journey. Today you can read some of these stories in our new Bransby Family Fosterer’s (BFF) page.

We’ll continue to update this page with more stories as we receive them from our amazing BFFs. So if you’re a BFF and you’re happy for us share your story please drop our rehoming team a line. We’d love to hear from you.

We’re aware that at the moment we can’t rehome equines due to government personnel restrictions, but we are of course looking forward to the day when we can start this vital part of our charity work again. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy seeing and reading about the wonderful people who offer a second chance to a deserving four-legged friend.

Here’s a story from our new BFF page …

Introducing Ben and Ava…
Ben was rehomed by Ava, aged 9 and her family in 2019.

Ava, How long have you had Ben?
Since August 2019 so 8 months

What’s your favourite thing that Ben does?
Jumps! He loves to jump as much as I do!

What has been your most fun moment with Ben so far?
First time we went Cross-Country last October. We jumped things I could never have dreamed of jumping before!

What are you planning to do with Ben once lockdown is over?
Summer camp and start doing competitions.

Ava is ‘speed mad’! She loves to go as fast as possible. Ben’s Bransby advert said he loved to jump and needed a child who was confident with speed so the family contacted us. Having gone through the initial rehoming process, Ava tried Ben and it was love at first sight. He’s been with Ava since August and she’s jumping a 1m at home with him not to mention pampering him as much as possible. Their bond has grown quickly and Ben will follow Ava everywhere without a lead rope! He’s a wonderful pony and the family kindly say: “We would thoroughly recommend rehoming through Bransby.”



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