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newly built intensive care unit for bransby horses

Bransby Horses Invests in Intensive Care Unit

10th July 2017

Bransby Horses has invested in a new Intensive Care Unit (ICU), largely funded by legacies and donations from an appeal.

The ICU is situated on the charity’s quarantine yard which prevents the spread of disease and enables staff to maintain the strict biosecurity procedures which are in place.

Bransby Horses rescues equines in desperate need of help, many of which require intensive medical care and help to stand as they are so weak. Before the ICU was built, those that were too weak to stand had to be lifted by hand; this required six or more people and carried substantial risk of injury or strain for the staff involved. Without an independent hoist for support, these frail horses were also at risk of injuries from falling against the breeze block walls which were present in the stables used previously.

The new ICU features stables with padded walls and rubber floors which are cushioned for horses prone to collapse and also sealed so it is easy to disinfect when required. Each stable has a bespoke hoist for lifting horses and supporting them to stand.

In 2016 the charity rescued 144 equines, all of which were initially cared for on the quarantine yard. The new facilities will enable Bransby Horses to provide the best possible care for new arrivals.

The build was made possible thanks to a £126,886 legacy donation from a Miss Joan Muriel Lawford, a £1,000 legacy donation from Anne Isabella Thornes, appeal donations totalling 1,626 and £45,000 of further charity donations.

Bransby Horses would like to thank supporters for making this development possible.


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