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pony stood in a field

message to Bransby Horses supporters (flooding and COVID-19)

18th March 2020

It has been a very strange few months hasn’t it? The flooding in November then the COVID-19 outbreak have taken us all into a period of uncertainty. Like many, we have been doing all we can to protect ourselves, our supporters and our community.

Looking out of the window at our horses, ponies, donkeys and mules, they don’t seem to know anything is up with us all at the moment and that is how it should be.

So, what have we been doing to help at Bransby Horses?

Clean, clean, clean: Additional cleaning measures have been implemented on our site – in visitor and staff areas. We are keeping our handwashing stations and hand sanitiser stations well stocked as usual.

Safety for our visitors: Our Visitor Centre and Café remain open, however, we have reduced visitors’ activities on-site and closed the play park.  In our Café we have spaced out tables and removed cutlery and condiments from all tables.  If we can continue to remain open, there are some outside Easter activities that could possibly go ahead, but please check our website for more details.  Remember we have acres and acres of outside space and walkways that are free to stroll around and get some fresh air.

Reducing group contact: We have cancelled any group bookings of our facilities and the Mother’s Day event at our Café.  Only vital staff meetings are taking place (with 2m spaces between each person).

Vulnerable heroic helpers take a break: We have asked our vulnerable volunteers not to risk their health for us – their health is more important and if they don’t feel comfortable coming in, they definitely shouldn’t.

Working on the yards: We have implemented additional washing procedures on the Yards, to keep areas as safe and clean as possible.

Staff protection: Any staff presenting any possible symptoms we have sent home to self-isolate and vulnerable people have also been sent home or have been separated from others, as per the Government advice.

Remote support for fosterers: We have suspended all foster visits and instead will be stepping up our telephone, video call and email contact with our fosterers. We need to limit the movements of the foster liaison team for the next few weeks, to limit the potential spread of the virus.

Sharing advice: We are sharing the Government advice with our staff, supporters and fosterers as much as possible.

Sharing advice with equine owners: We have shared the British Horse Society advice for equine owners, with our fosterers and our social media followers (many of whom are equine owners or know equine owners). This advice will help the equine owner community make preparations, in case they should fall ill.

Contingency planning: We have spaced out our staff onsite and organised contingency plans to be able to continue our welfare work, even if staff fall ill.

Looking out for each other: This is a difficult time and we all need to look out for each other. It is not just our health and the health of our colleagues, but our wellbeing. The worry of what is to come can take its toll on us all and we can help by making sure we are all doing our bit and looking out for each other.

You, our super supporters: Many of you will be at home a lot over the next few weeks and we know that you would like to know what we are up to but also get a little lift now and then. We will be sharing updates, stories and great content on our social media channels as usual. Feel free to take a look, comment and tell us what you think. Look out for our spring/summer issue of Bransby Life that should be dropping through your letterbox very soon. We have plenty of stories, information and our fantastic new Gift Guide to shop from (as well as our online shop) inside. Enjoy reading it from cover to cover!

It is not going to be an easy time but we are all doing what we can to prepare and help each other.

Stay safe and well.

The Bransby Horses team

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