We are open Wednesday - Sunday, from 10am - 4pm
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There are so many ways you can help us continue our rescue, rehabilitation, welfare and education work. Without you, we simply wouldn’t be here. Your generosity, kind words and thoughtful encouragement is always received with heartfelt gratitude.

For information on how to make a legacy payment, please call our Legacy Team on 01427788464 or via email

Please remember to include Gift Aid when making a donation, if you are eligible; it costs you nothing and boosts your gift to us at no extra cost.

Thank you.

Other ways you can donate include

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Virgin Money

You can pop into any Virgin Money Bank branch and deposit instantly into our account. All you have to do is quote the following at the counter.

Sort Code 82-30-00
Account Number 10011570

blue outline of an envelope


We gratefully accept Cheques and Postal Orders made payable to: Bransby Horses.

We also accept(Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Vouchers. Please send to Bransby Horses, Bransby, LINCOLN, LN1 2PH.

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To make an immediate donation, our phone lines are currently open Monday to Friday 10:00am – 2:30pm. Please telephone 01427 788464. We accept all major credit or debit cards.

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