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Sad Goodbye To Beautiful Coral

It is with great sadness we bring you the news that one of our Welsh foals has very sadly had to be euthanised.

Coral was just a yearling with her whole life seemingly ahead of her but, born prematurely she sadly struggled with a range of complex medical needs from day one.

Most notably she was born with a hole in her heart.

Recent scans had shown that this had worsened as she grew, putting her at a higher risk of a heart attack or heart failure.

She also had misaligned and diseased teeth which made grazing painful and explain why she continued to lose weight after weaning, despite living in lush grazing fields.

Our vets and equine dental specialist did not feel it was advisable to remove so many teeth from a young horse, with a risk of damage to the jaw bone, especially when her heart was already struggling.

These major factors severely affected Coral’s quality of life, she was at high risk of having a heart attack, her daily life had become very uncomfortable and so the very difficult decision was made to euthanise her.

Bransby Horses spokesperson Maria Thompson said : “Our thoughts are with the team members who worked so closely with Coral, those who assisted with monitoring her health from birth and our supporters who loved her dearly.

“She will be sorely missed. Putting an equine to sleep is never easy and in this case it was particularly heartbreaking, as she was so young. We take comfort from knowing she received the very best care and love from everyone here at Bransby Horses. Her tiny hoof prints have left a permanent mark on all our hearts. Rest in peace Coral.”

We are forever grateful to each and every supporter who makes the work we do to improve the lives of equines possible.

And she added: “It is only thanks to the generous donations of those who believe in the Bransby Horses vision that we are able to give equines like Coral a chance at life with the benefits of specialist veterinary care – even if that turns out to be shorter than we had hoped. Every equine in our care receives the very best, whether they live for 30 years or one year. We can be here for each and every one because of you. Thank you.”

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