We’re delighted you want to stay a Friends of Bransby Horses member, this means we can continue providing you with exclusive content, shop discounts and many other benefits. If this is your first time renewing, or if you can’t remember the process, we’ve put together this simple guide to help you out.
Renewing Your Friends Membership
How to renew
Paying via Direct Debit
If you pay for your Friends membership with a direct debit, you don’t need to do anything. Your membership will automatically renew and you will keep your access to the Friends area of our website.
If your access has been revoked at any point, but you are still paying via direct debit, please contact us on 01427 788 464 or mail@bransbyhorses.co.uk
Annual payments
For members who pay annually, you will have to contact us to renew your membership. Call us on 01427 788 464 or email mail@bransbyhorses.co.uk and we will help you.
If you pay annually, your access to the Friends area may expire at some point. If this is the case, please get in touch and we can resolve this for you.
Thanks to you in 2023…
Was raised from Friends memberships
Equines were visited by our field officers
Equines were rescued and given a second chance