By providing your phone number and email you are consenting to Bransby Horses contacting you by phone and email. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
From 01 January 2021, if you are not a British or Irish citizen you require permission to work in the UK. This will normally be in the form of a visa, however, if you are an EEA/Swiss citizen and resident in the UK before 31 December 2020, this may be your passport or status under the EU Settlement Scheme. Please refer to UK Visas and Immigration for further information, and to consider your eligibility requirements to work in the UK prior to your application.
Please provide your most recent Employer first.
Please provide details of two people (one being your most recent employer), who can provide employment references. If you have not had more than one employer, please provide an additional character or educational referee. We will only seek references on acceptance of an offer or with your explicit permission.
This is an important section of the application form and should not be left blank. Please detail any relevant experience or skills that demonstrate that you could carry out the role effectively. This should be completed with reference to the person specification, ensuring that you meet all of the essential criteria and where possible the desirable criteria.
We require a minimum of 250 words for your supporting statement.
Please sign the declaration below before submitting your application and completing the Equality and Diversity Form on the next page.
Please read our HR Privacy Statement before submitting the application form.