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intake photo of a grey arab horse with severely overgrown hooves and the number 4 painted on his side

Jafar’s Story

15th February 2019

Continuing with our updates on the five Arab horses, who were taken into the care of Bransby Horses in September 2018 at the request of the RSPCA, it is with a heavy heart that we tell Jafar’s story.

When we collected Jafar he displayed aggressive behaviour and was by far the most agitated of the five horses. This was due to the intense pain he was experiencing and his dominance over the stable that had been his life for at least 2 years.

Upon arrival at Bransby Horses, the welfare and veterinary teams were immediately on hand to care for Jafar. Like the other Arab horses, Jafar’s hooves had been neglected over a long period of time and he had particularly sharp teeth after years of poor or no dental care. As well as his hooves, Jafar was covered in sarcoids (cancerous lumps) that had started to bleed and erupt over his body. He was also diagnosed with arthritis, which, in addition to his overgrown hooves, made it extremely difficult and painful for Jafar to walk.

Whilst in our care, Jafar was turned out daily on a small pad area to try and stretch his limbs and strengthen his muscles. Having been isolated in his stable for so long, this was the first time in at least 2 years he could feel the rain on his back and wind in his mane. The initial aggression Jafar displayed lessened, and he became much calmer and more understanding as we continued to care for him.

Despite the multiple medications and care plans Jafar received during his time with us, he sadly showed no signs of improvement. Unable to manage his pain levels, and despite the very best efforts of the vet team, it was clear that Jafar faced a lifetime of pain and suffering. We therefore made the only kind but difficult decision, one we do not take in any way lightly, to end his life. Jafar had a special place in our heart and his memory will live on to raise awareness in the hope of preventing the same outcome for another horse in the future, but where there is an equine in need, we will continue to be there to give them a place of safety, our compassion, respect and care.

Bransby Horses will continue to always act in the best interest of each and every animal in our care and, as always, remain grateful for the generosity of our supporters.








Jafar awaiting the Vet for his vetting in.







Jafar on arrival at Bransby Horses in his new clean, soft bed.




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