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Introducing Sansa

At Bransby Horses, when a new intake arrives we take a routine blood test which helps us look for signs of organ or hormonal diseases as well as other infections caused by worms. However, the blood test also sometimes uncovers a hidden surprise and we discover that a mare is in foal. On Sansa’s arrival, it was discovered that she was in fact, carrying a foal.

If new intakes don’t already have names when they arrive, our team members are offered the opportunity to name them with a theme so they can be recognised as a group. Other examples of this have been the ‘Chocolate’ group, which includes: Cadbury, Galaxy and Truffle.  The ‘Crisp’ group: Wotsit, Twiglet and Disco, and the ‘Gin’ group: Gordon, Tarquin, Hendricks and Bombay.  Next time you visit, see if you can identify any groups from the names of the horses that you see.

You’ve all been busy voting online for the foal’s new Game of Thrones-themed name. We are pleased to say the votes have been counted and although it was a close call, we have a clear winner!

Follow the link below to reveal the name and find out more about Sansa’s story.

Sansa's Story and Naming Her Foal

Welcome to the World Little One.

Beautiful mare, Sansa, gave birth to a filly (female) at 3:35pm on Thursday 18th March.

Sansa was lucky to have a textbook foaling experience. She became a little restless in her field on Thursday 18th March at lunchtime, staff from the Main Yard, where the pregnant mare was being cared for, moved her to a quiet, comfortable part of the yard and within two hours of being moved Sansa had given birth.

Do you know what the affective state of an equine is? Take our quiz and see how much you know about the fifth domain of animal welfare