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Farewell to Tizzy

27th February 2019

It is with a sad heart that we need to let you, our supporters, know that former Adoption Star, Tizzy, was put to sleep recently following veterinary advice.

Tizzy was a much-loved member of the Bransby Horses’ family, having been with us since 2012. Before arriving with us at Bransby Horses, Tizzy was frequently bred from, and her foals were taken from her at the earliest opportunity. She was badly treated and had scars on her chest from what we can only assume was physical abuse. With thanks to the two lovely ladies who had monitored Tizzy’s conditions with great concern, she was purchased (by them) who then in turn contacted Bransby Horses and we were, as always, happy to help.

Although Tizzy was alone when she first arrived with us, due to her being very nervous and somewhat feral, she soon had a beautiful filly, which we named April (she has since been rehomed as a riding horse and is doing really well).

Once April was weaned, life changed for Tizzy, who soon found friendship in Munchkin and the pair enjoyed many years together before Munchkin became a little too naughty and needed moving to a new yard. In her final years, Tizzy spent time with her new companion Sophie, one of our other Adoption Stars. Tizzy was a very special mare who sadly never learnt to fully trust people. Although she was tricky to catch, she was a pleasure to groom and learnt to allow vets to get close to her.

She remained timid though and would often get scared and bolt when having her hoofs clipped. Tizzy definitely had her favourite members of the team and was always the one in the group keeping lookout. She was also rather picky, choosing only plain lead ropes, never anything bright.

One of Tizzy’s biggest milestones was allowing us to sedate her in preparation for a visit from the dental technician. Moreover, she started to demonstrate friendly behaviour towards the technician once the sedation wore off, which was truly a special moment for a sensitive soul like Tizzy.

In more recent times, as Tizzy became noticeably older her condition deteriorated. Her lameness, which was on and off throughout her time with us increased and she was less happy to be near us. When it was clear to us that Tizzy’s quality of life was suffering, we made the very difficult decision to have her put to sleep.

Without such generous supporters, we wouldn’t have been able to provide this level of care and given Tizzy a second chance of life. So, from all the team at Bransby Horses- thank you!

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