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Limpopo’s Story

One of the worst cruelty cases we’ve ever seen.

In 2019, 200 animals were found in the most horrific living conditions. We rescued 28 horses who came under our care, but not all of them made it. Limpopo was one of the lucky ones.

Huge herds of ponies, many riddled with worms, were living out in fields with hazardous metal and broken fencing sticking up from the thick mud. Inside two barns were pens full of donkeys, goats and ponies; many of them standing on top of 2ft-3ft of months worth of waste and faeces. Many were skinny and had untreated health conditions.

She is forever safe

Thanks to your continued support and our team’s expertise, time and love, Limpopo is now thriving.

To help more equines in need, you can make a donation to Bransby Horses to keep helping us give equines like Limpopo another chance in life.

In return, you will be kept up to date with Limpopo’s full story.

Limpopo was scared and shaking in fear, obviously frightened of any human interaction. As a result, we had to work gently with her to get to the root of the many health issues she arrived with. She was underweight, her eyes were dull and she was crawling with lice.

We needed to be patient to bring Limpopo back to full health. We desperately wanted her to understand that she was now Forever Safe.

A donation of


Can provide feed and forage for equines in our care, currently over 300.

A donation of


Can provide essential vet visits and pain relief for our rescued residents.

A donation of


Can provide financial support to our Welfare Team to rescue more ponies like Limpopo.

Bransby Horses’ Executive Director of Equine Welfare, Emma Carter:

“This was one of the largest multi-agency warrants that Bransby Horses has ever been involved in and one of the most difficult for our teams to process due to the scale of the suffering and horrific conditions these animals were incarcerated in”-“These horses have been some of the most challenging that we have ever had to care for. Due to the extent of their medical and behavioural needs as a result of their neglect, some have had, and will continue to require, years of specialist care.”

black cob with white nose wearing a maroon headcollar and looking off into the distance

It's getting harder

A troubling trend over the last decade is the growing numbers of cases involving dozens if not hundreds of animals in need of rescue.

“It’s like trying to drain a bath with the taps still on.” – NEWC, 2020, Britain’s Horse Problem Report.

Limpopo’s story is just one of many examples we’re continuing to see more frequently across the country.

We appreciate any support you can give.

horses being rescued using a pen
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